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Austability soldier on with Life Support Services in conflict environment
Running and maintaining an Aid Base in a conflict environment is certainly not an easy task.
Senior Management Visits Austability's Largest Offices in the Middle East and Europe
A visit much needed and a real refresher for everyone.
Austability is Proud to Officially Announce the Opening of its New Office in Europe
The opening of the new office strengthens Austability internally and externally.
Austability’s Participation in the ISOA Warsaw Conference as a Platinum Sponsor
We are elated with our decision to support such a great event.
The Continuous Expansion of Austability’s Presence in Al Udeid Air Base (AUAB) in Qatar
Austability has been awarded for DFAC Consumables and Labor Support Services.
Austability unlocking the Indo-Pacific Command
Austability continues its worldwide expansion and has been awarded its first contract in the Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM).